Wednesday, September 9, 2009

create in me

i just finished a 1 hour kayak cruise around the shallow areas of the bay. mindful not to venture too far, for fear some large sea creature or man eating shark may "get" me; therefore, i carefully row close to the shoreline. however, i attempt to remain far enough away from civilization,as to avoid earshot of the neighboring houses. the reason for keeping my distance from human beings is that i pray out loud while kayaking and wouldn't want any sane individual to accuse me of being insane. silly; yet so true.

i started once again with my wednesday fasts today and thought it apropos to get out on the water, where Jesus "dug it" the most. intimate talk time with my Father; no cell phones, doorbells, home phones, crying for attention computers, nor well meaning children needing my attention. no, nothing but me, God and who knows what lurked below. while kayaking God brought to mind, king david's prayer, "create in me a clean heart o Lord". i pondered, meditated and marinated in that word, create. create means it didn't exist before it was birthed or given life. hence, the word, create. i thought at that moment how many things i'd like for God to create in me! i began to pray not being able to get the word's out quick enough. i needed a Holy Ghost creating in me!

here's my prayer: create in me a clean and pure heart, o God;
create in me a heart empowered with forgiveness, o God;
create in me a tongue with the law of kindness upon it, o God;
create in me a heart that when offended takes no offense, o God;
create in me a heart of integrity, o God;
create in me a love that you command me to have for others, o God;
create in me a heart of mercy, o God;
create in me the oil of joy, no matter my circumstances, o God;
create in me a peace that surpasses all understanding, o God;
create in me patience, patience patience, o God;
create in me selflessness rather than selfishness, o God;
create in me a generous spirit, o God;
create in me a mind liberally endowed with Your Wisdom, o God;
create a "me" that's just like YOU, o God.

in the One and Only name above all, Jesus Christ, i pray,

i urge you to come up with your own, "create in me" prayer. you know your needs, weaknesses and struggles. let Him create something new in you! God bless you.