Monday, August 24, 2009

content in my complacency

i'm up in nashville right now, enjoying the 70 degreeish weather and eating way too much! when we are out of town it seems as if we center all business meetings, dr. appointments, visiting friends, etc. all around Food! i'm thoroughly sick now from my latest over indulgence, banana's foster!

back to blogging, i wanted to finish up with the subject of "contentment". i'm going to do some dirty talking now so stay close. i was once so bogged down in sin(the yucky grimy miry stick -to - you type), the ones that church folk don't talk about and certainly don't know how to help(even if they weren't the judgemental type). yep, that WAS me! when i was bogged down in sin, i didn't know i was in it...really. i was raised in the church and i knew "right" from "wrong", but i had plenty of excuses of why i was sinning. so i continued in the same old yucky mucky sins until one day, i was completely CONTENT in my complacency. i was happy where i lived in my sin filled body. i was happy with my "sinny" friends and particularly happy with my "sinny" life. i was sinning and having fun 'cause you know in the short run, sinning is fun. what we don't realize is that when the sin takes us over, basically and becomes our life we are then on the road to death, both spiritually and eventually physically. i was moving into a level of spiritual death.

some of the symptoms of spiritual death are:1) you are no longer convicted of your sins. 2) you do not recognize your behavior as a sin because you have a legitimate excuse for your actions . 3) you will not give up the habits(sins) you have adopted because they actually have become like buddy's to you. 4) you have no desire to read His Word or even hang around with real Godly people. 5) and you certainly are not seeking God's help to get out of the sinful lifestyle you have fallen into.

now if you are reading this and you are thinking, this is me, or you're thinking this is a bunch of hogwash, then please keep on reading. i can only know these symptoms because i've experienced them myself. you can become so used to living an ungodly way that it almost becomes second nature to you. darling, i'm asking you to dig deep right now, if you are feeling the slightest twinge of conviction or just knowing you are not living "right" by Him, our Lord, then please get on your knees right now and confess to Him your sins. you are instantly forgiven.

Eph. 6:12 tell us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers ,against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

you have to confess your sin/sins to Him(God), ask for forgiveness(He automatically forgives), and you must renounce any spirit that has been ruling you. for example, if you are addicted to alcohol then you should say,"in the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of alcoholism. i reject alcoholism and it no longer has a claim on my life." then confess to the Lord that you are free. ask God to free you and to forgive you.

i recommend a great book, that will help you with this matter. it is Dr. Neil Anderson's, Victory over Darkness. i trained under dr. anderson and became a "discipleship counselor" who helps free people's minds from depression, and many other addictive behaviors.

don't give up and don't ever think you are a lost cause. look at me! i'm the proof in(Jesus Christ's) pudding!"

please forgive any weird things in this blog. i'm without a mouse and just about computer illiterate anyway so the least little thing throws me off. blessings to you my dear!!!


  1. Heavenly Father, just as Jesus prayed that you would protect his disciples from the evil one, we ask that you protect us. Teach us to clearly hear your voice and see your plan, your direction. Teach us how to discern when we are under attack by the devil and how to use our weapons effectively. Thank you Lord for June and the gifts you have given her, bless her ministry for your glory.
    We love you, Lord, and our greatest desire is to serve you and to please you. Speak to our hearts, Lord, for your servants are listening.

  2. June,
    Praise the Lord! He brought you out of the darkness...I pray that each person who read this post...that they seek the Lord and He will free them...Lord...I ask you to take each person who need you in their life...Forgive them as they seek and ask you in forgiveness in the name of Jesus...You are the Lord of Lord...Kings of Kings....We worship you, love you,and serve you...Take my life and guide me to your straight paths...I thank you for giving your life for me so I can have hope....with you. Lord ..Be with June as she continue to do your work and to minister to her as she spread your words thoough this blog...Continue to give her streangth and guidance....We thank you for everything you have done for us..."By your stripes we are healed"...."We can do all things s through Jesus Christ who strengthen me" Be with us now as we go on your journey as we follow you...We love you, adore you and praise the name of Jesus we pray...Amen! Have a Bless Day June and everyone....Have a great time in baby sister live there about 40 miles south(Shelbville/Chapels Hill)...I love it there...Beautiful placr....Smiles and Hugs..Katherinellen
